7th Annual Pyramid Lake Celebration to benefit Pyramid Lake
Come join Rob, our staff and the rest of the gang for a fun and educational event on Fly Fishing Pyramid Lake
We will be hosting a free Party/Seminar at the Nugget in Reno on Friday, April 10th with an optional full day clinic at Pyramid Lake on Saturday April 11th
Friday night April 10th 2020 – Nugget Conference Room 5:00pm to 9:00pm (FREE)
Saturday April 20th – Pyramid Lake All Day Clinic ($125)
We will be hosting a free get together for anyone interested in learning more about Pyramid Lake and hanging out with fellow anglers. There will be lots of giveaways from sponsors including Scientific Anglers, Umpqua Feather Merchants, Stream Works, Galvan, Outcast, Orvis, Simms, Glacier Glove, Sage, Rio, Reel Anglers Fly Shop, Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters, Baiocchi’s Outfitters, Reno Fly Fishing Outfitters, Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing, Stillwater Guide Service, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Bucket List Fly Fishing and many more. There will also be a cash bar available.
Please email us at
to secure your spot and get updates along the way, reserve rooms etc. please include first and last names of anyone coming to the Friday night event.

Last year we gave away over $12,000 in trips and fly fishing gear. This year is going to be outstanding. With 6 years under our belt we have been working hard to make this years event even better. We have some really entertaining and informative presentations lined up again this year. USFW will once again thrill us with some very cool information on the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. Once again our guest speaker will be Mike Sevon. Mike’s last presentation three years ago was our best ever. Mike is working on a new presentation for this years event that should be amazing.
We will have two contests at the event. #1 is a fly tying contest. Sometime before the event tie your best Pyramid fly and bring it with you to the event. Entries will be judged for some really great prizes. Last year the top prize was a full day guided fly fishing trip. The 2nd event is a picture contest. email us (
) any Lahontan Cutthroat Trout over 15 pounds caught this fishing season to enter. Please include weight of the fish, who caught it and the date caught. Last year the grand prize for this contest was a replica fish mount of the winning picture.
There will be an optional raffle at the event with tons of prizes. Proceeds will go to benefit the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, the Pyramid Lake Fishery and the Terra Preta village on the Xeriuini River Preserve. We are happy to announce that our raffle will for the first time go to helping out the lake.
Space is limited in the conference room we have reserved for this event. Although there is no cost to attend Friday nights event, it is mandatory to register in advance so we can keep track of how many people will be there. A simple email to us to reserve your spot is all you need to do. This will also allow us to keep in touch before the event with any updates etc… send us an email to reserve your spot to
You will receive one ticket into the free drawing for correctly signing up for the event.
We have rooms available for the event for any out of town folks or those who would like to have some adult beverages and not drive at $79 a night including all taxes and fees for a standard room one or two beds.
We will also be hosting a clinic over the weekend on April 11th for anyone who is interested. The day clinic on the lake will only be $125 an angler. We will spend the day on the water learning more about fishing Pyramid with everything from tying leaders and knots, explaining and trying various techniques and share some important secrets as to how we catch so many fish every year. This event sells out every year so register soon to not get shut out. There will also be a B-Bque lunch served during the on water event.